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Southill Family Resource Centre CLG
Supporting Families,
Supporting Communities
Peer Support Groups
Southill Womens Group
This women's group meets weekly and undertakes various courses and activities. The group is active within their local community and gets involved with events such as International women's day, Easter activities and Limerick Mental Health week. We also get involved in arts and crafts, furniture upcycling and many more activities throughout the year. If you would like to meet for tea/coffee and be a part of a group, this is the place to be.
Contact Michelle at 086-7857663.
Southside Disability Awareness Group
The Southside Disability Group set up a number of years ago is supported by Southill FRC. The group offers a space for people living with disabilities and is also open to people who advocate for those living with disabilities.
The purpose of this group is to meet, socialise, and support each other, networking with different groups within the community and shared learning. The work of the group includes linking with other Disability Groups e.g. Hospital FRC Step Forward Disability Group, taking part in community education courses e.g. Intercultural Skills, Equality training, Personal and Interpersonal Skills, Nutrition and Cookery. They also attend citywide events and take part in social outings.
Southside Disability Group are an open group and are now welcoming new members. The group meets every Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm. For more information contact; Jane at 0867857663
Southside Seniors Group
Southill FRC currently works with the elderly residents in the community. There are weekly meeting which include activities such as bingo, day trips. They also attend events interacting with other Senior Groups, Mens, Sheds. They have taken part in International Women’s Day, LCEN 25 year celebration and Caherconlish summer get together just to name a few.
The focus with this group is social inclusion. The group meeting is based in Colvert Court t which has a high attendance rate by local residents because of the convenience of being located in Carew Park.
However, due to COVID 19 restrictions the group meeting has been scaled back. Southill FRC still reach out to members of the group with weekly check in phonecalls and provision of care packs which were delivered to the homes of the group
For more information contact Tommy on 087-9016916
Southill Mens Shed
The group was formed in April 2011 and was a collaboration between the Southill Area Centre (Hub) and the Southill FRC and met in a room in the Area centre.
The Southill Men’s shed moved into its current home in 2017 after being gifted a portacabin from the Southill Diocese.
The group meet on a Thursday morning 10-12 for a social meeting in the Porta Cabin inSouthill Junior School grounds.
Membership of the Shed is open to all men in the south-side of the city over the age of 18.
The members of the shed have participated in a range of Activities and Educational
courses including:
ï‚· Carpentry
ï‚· Personal development
ï‚· Health and well-being
ï‚· Drama
ï‚· Darts
ï‚· Pitch and Putt
ï‚· Photography
The group are currently not meeting due to the Covid-19 restrictions and will returnwhen it is safe to do so.
Anyone interested in joining the Southill Men’s shed please contact:
Jim Prior / James Mc Carthy on 061-440250 or 085-1250790
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